Community News

WAVERLY NEWS The Waverly Community Group Board met last month for only the second time this year, mostly due to covid. The Agenda covered regular business, plus a discussion on the purpose and goals of the organization and board for future community involvement and action items. One item of note was the need to update the Resource List, which Helen Boggs will be doing over the next few months. If you have been on the list, want to stay on, or be put on the list for the first time, please...
CSU Extension and Jefferson County Invasive Species Management Department will host four small acreage educational programs beginning September 15, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m..  Virtual sessions are free, but registration is required. September 15 - Dryland Pasture Management, Dr. Joe Brummer, CSU Department of Soil and Crop Sciences September 22 - Fall Noxious Weed Management, Joe Swanson, Boulder County Parks and Open Space September 29 - Living with Wildlife/Protecting Your Livestock, Mary...
Unfortunately this website was hacked and document indexes and files were removed. Attached to this message is a copy of the Draft minutes from the last meeting that was held on July 12, 2021, as well as the Agenda for the upcoming meeting August 23, 2021. We appreciate your patience while we work out solutions for the website going forward!
Even though Spring is a little "on and off" this year, here's Karen Crumbaker's Spring Newsletter for your planning ideas and reading pleasure! Enjoy!
Hello Waverly Community! For a read on the DRAFT of the Wellington Comp Plan Update, go to . It is a comprehensive document and interactive. Page 62 shows an updated Growth Management Area (GMA) (not a town boundary) that includes some areas that might have been thought of as part of Waverly, but it seems Wellington has "straightened the north/south line on the west side" eliminating previous jogs. Feel free to use the "Contact" form on this website if you have...