Community News

From Karen Crumbaker:  Colorado State University Larimer County Extension is accepting applications for the upcoming Native Plant Master (NPM) courses.  Are you interested in learning more about the native plants found in Larimer County?  NPM classes focus on identification, ecological relationships, and human use of plants, emphasizing sustainable landscapes and invasive weeds.  Participants will learn to use a botanical key, including learning scientific names and families...
Download the updated Waverly brochure for information and reference. Everyone is welcome at Waverly Community Board meetings - the next one is August 28th in the basement of Turning Point at Waverly School. Starts at 7:30 'till 8:30. Planning for Pancake Breakfast - come help out!
Linda Rumney from Larimer County Office on Aging (498-7750) was our guest speaker at the April 29th potluck. She covered topics including chore vouchers, caregiver support, advanced directives, counseling resources, Medicare and Medicaid, home maintenance help, wellness help, and lack of transportation (Waverly) among other things! Many thanks for her information and good humor. To get on the potluck list, email . See you next time! 
A hearty Thank You to all who took part in the Fall 2016 Survey! The results are attached for good winter reading and getting inspired for events for 2017. The Waverly Community Board (WCB) will refer to the survey results when planning for the upcoming and future years. We always welcome your new ideas and involvement in our continuing commitment to help keep Waverly residents informed and having fun! Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season. ~WCB
At the August 22 meeting of the WCB, Kiwanis members Jack Gianola, Ray Kepler, and Steve Sarno gave an overview of the progress of forming a Kiwanis chapter in Wellington. Steve is a Waverly resident and can be contacted at 568-7801 for more information. The Kiwanis service organization is a global network of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. Also contact Jack Gianola at 223-4500, or Ray Kepler at 493-8855 for more on how you can get...